Empire Housing and Development Corporation is a private, 501 (c)(3) corporation which was formed for the purpose of developing affordable housing for low and moderate income households in New York State.
Incorporated in 1993 by the Co-Executive Directors, Empire is governed by a board of directors that has a broad range of experience in construction, real estate development, finance and community revitalization. Empire’s staff is skilled in the development of affordable residential and mixed-use housing, as well as in the procurement of public and private funding necessary for affordable projects.
Empire has worked with, and secured funding from diverse sources including HOME, HOPE, CDBG, NYS, Affordable Housing Corporation, New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal, Federal Home Loan Bank, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, and private lenders. Its ability to form partnerships with local, state, and federal governments as well as the private sector has resulted in projects that produce affordable rental housing and make home ownership possible for those who have been locked out of the conventional housing market. Through the rehabilitation of existing buildings and the construction of new units, Empire projects increase the availability of adequate affordable housing and spur revitalization of urban, suburban, and rural communities throughout New York State.
With Empire’s expertise and participation, funding that is not available to the traditional developer or builder can be secured. As a not-for-profit corporation, Empire has access to funding sources which often make the difference in a project being successful. Projects which do not appear feasible, or do not reach the intended market with conventional financing, can achieve success through the packaging of resources that are available to the not for profit developer.
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator
Vice President
Program Manager
Co-Executive Director
Co-Executive Director